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Matteo Madrigali


As someone higher up than me said … hello there!

For those who don’t know me, my name is Matteo Madrigali and I’m a fan of the “nerd-world”. I attended the San Carlo classical high school in Modena and I graduated in Modern Literature at the University of Bologna; I’m currently pursuing my master’s degree in Italian Studies, which means I am always surrounded by books. In my spare time I love playing the guitar, walking with friends in the hills and mountains, role-playing and, of course, reading and writing.

My first approach to writing was throughout games. When I was a child I played a warrior named Electron and, with my friends, I lived his adventures in the maravillious realm which is reality experienced through the eyes of fantasy. Soon, playing wasn’t enough for me. I wanted to keep alive the magic of the each adventure, embellish it, shape it through chapters, twists, analapses and lots of other tricks of which I had only a vague idea at the time. Thus was born the “Electron Saga” (never finished, like half of my works) and with it my love for writing.

Over time, I have encountered authors in literary works (the real ones) who are able to speak me face to face, as if they were old friends or strangers that you have the impression of knowing since you were born. It happened to me with John Tolkien and Michail Bulgakov, with Jorge Luis Borges and Italo Calvino, with Friedrich Dürrenmatt and Mauro Boselli. Consequently, without doing it on purpose, I drew on their treasures like a sponge and my style has since then a bit of Tolkien’s complexity, Bulgakov’s evocativeness, Calvino’s levity, Dürrenmatt’s dry analysis. At least, that’s how I see it; you feel free to consider it a cauldron without rhyme or reason.

My interest is particularly focused on the fantasy genre (with all its derivations) and metafiction: characters who recognize themselves as such, reality and the stage, the world of life and the world of writing. Whereas who’s to say that the future doesn’t also hold novels, dialogues, detective stories, horror and mystery stories! You know what they say: only mountains don’t meet. What does it have to do with literary genres? It is the magic of free association; the magic of writing.


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