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Literary Agreement

By becoming an author, you agree to adhere to the following conditions:

1. Every work is and remain the author’s and he can request its cancellation from the website whenever he wants.

2. Publication is free and nothing is paid to the author.

3. Works with unsubstantiated arguments that could incite violence or threats of violence by a third party on an individual or group of people are prohibited, it remains at the discretion of the publishers what to publish or not.

4. There are no material obligations for the author once the work/works have been delivered, except that, if requested, he will have to read a work by another author on the site and produce a small comment on it (or on the author) not necessarily positive.

5. Anyone who collaborates with the site undertakes not to harm their image or that of the people involved in any way.

6. In all cases it is strictly forbidden to publish material protected by copyright or that violates the intellectual property of other authors.

7. Any transgression by either party will result in the removal of all of the author’s products indefinitely at the aggrieved party’s discretion.

8. The website managers reserve the right to modify this agreement by notifying the authors and leaving them the option of withdrawing from participation in the website at any time and removing their works from it.